Tuesday, March 10, 2009




At March 24, 2009 at 9:09 PM , Blogger Ambrose Ang said...

Benjamin (Ben) Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and their grandfather Max start their summer camping trip. Ben goes stomping off into the woods after another fight with Gwen, whom he is not happy to have along on the trip, and finds an alien pod on the ground. When he examines it, he finds a mysterious, watch-like device, called the Omnitrix, stored inside. The device attaches permanently to his wrist and gives him the ability to transform into a variety of alien life-forms, each with their own unique powers, quite similar to DC Comics' Dial H for Hero comic. Although Ben realizes that he has a responsibility to help others with these new abilities at his disposal, he is not above a little superpowered mischief now and then. Along with Gwen and Max, Ben fights evil, both extraterrestrial and criminal.

In the first season, the plot mainly focuses on the villain Vilgax, an evil alien who wants to use the Omnitrix to conquer the galaxy. Injured at the start of the season, he sends various drones to get the Omnitrix until he is healed. After he is fully healed, he attempts to retrieve it himself, only to be stopped by Ben, Gwen and Max. Furthermore, it is hinted throughout the season that Max knows more about aliens than he lets on, culminating in the revelation that he and Vilgax had fought previously. A more subtle plotline involves Ben being forced to "grow up" and learning to use the Omnitrix responsibly, with particular emphasis on that point in the episode Kevin 11.

The second season mostly follows a villain of the week format. The few plot-centric episodes focus on Kevin, a super-powered 11 year old with the power to absorb different types of energies, who meets Ben in the first season. Having inadvertently allowed Kevin to absorb the Omnitrix's ability during their first meeting, Kevin serves as an antithesis to Ben. A sociopath, Kevin eventually morphs into a hideous amalgam of Ben's original ten forms and blames Ben for it. Vilgax also returns in the last part, teaming up with Kevin in the hopes of succeeding where he failed originally. Again, he fails, and both he and Kevin are trapped in an alternate dimension called the Null Void. Another important event during this season is the destruction of Ghostfreak, one of Ben's original ten forms. Having escaped from the Omnitrix, he plans to possess Ben and use the power of the Omnitrix to begin his own legacy of conquest. However, he is defeated and destroyed by Ben.

The third season has a similar yet darker plot layout. Its few plot-centric episodes focus around aliens styled on traditional horror monsters that Ben acquires as new forms through their contact with the Omnitrix. Purple-colored lightning, caused by a teleportation device created by the Frankenstein-esque alien Doctor Vicktor, heralds their appearance. Vicktor, in turn, is loyal to Ghostfreak, who is resurrected later in the third season. He plots to shroud the earth in darkness with the use of a corrodium beam projected from a space station and expanded across the earth using a transmitter in New Mexico thus allowing him to be at full power and rule over the planet. His attempt, however, is thwarted by Ben; he dies once more from direct exposure to the sun, but not before his DNA is re-added to the Omnitrix.

The fourth season revolves around Ben's last adventures as summer vacation ends. The few plot-centric episodes revolve around the leader of the Forever Knights organization, Forever King, and his plans to deal with the Tennysons himself. He gathers many of Ben's enemies to serve as members of his group, the "Negative 10" to both battle the Tennysons and steal a powerful energy from the Plumber base at Mount Rushmore. Ben eventually defeats the Forever King, destroying the Mount Rushmore faces in the process, though it is implied that a hologram is used to recreate the faces. Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix is set shortly after this point.

The series' final episode shows a possible take on Ben's return to normal life following the end of his summer vacation, and ends with the reveal of his secret powers to his father and the general public, after a final climactic battle with Vilgax. The film Ben 10: Race Against Time portrays a similar situation, the difference being that Ben fights an original character created for the film and his secret remains safe.The Omnitrix is the mysterious watch-like alien device that allows the user to transform into various alien forms by combining the DNA of the selected alien with the user's own DNA, effectively turning them into the alien species the user has selected. The alien form is selected by unlocking the control dial, turning the control dial to the desired alien spieces which is displayed on the Omnitrix's display, then pressing the control dial back into place completing the transformation.

The Omnitrix was originally created by Azmuth (a Galvan like Greymatter) to allow the people of the universe a way to literally "walk in someone else's shoes". However, many beings saw the Omnitrix's abilities as something that could be used as a powerful weapon--most prominently the villain Vilgax. Fearing that people might misuse the Omnitrix for this very reason, Azmuth put several safeguards in place to ensure that whoever used the Omnitrix would not have full access to its powers. Several of these safeguards include transforming into an alien different from the one that is selected on the control dial, the ten minute auto time-out, and the restriction of accessible aliens. Even the Omnitrix's self destruct was a safeguard set in place by Azmuth. However, these safeguards are disabled once the Master Control for the Omnitrix is unlocked, which is apparently done by a random combination of selections on the control dial. Once the Master Control is unlocked, the user can stay in their alien form for any length of time and is also able to switch between alien forms at will just by thinking about it.

In addition to the aliens that were pre-programmed into the Omnitrix's DNA sequencer by Azmuth, the Omnitrix also possess the ability to absorb DNA samples from other alien species by simply coming into contact with them, effectively downloading a DNA sample and allowing access to that form.

To date, only Ben has unlocked the Master Control only once by complete accident. This occurred during the Season 2 finale episode while messing around with the control dial, though to make sure Vilgax wouldn't have access to the Master Control, Ben zeroed out the Master Control, putting back into place all of Azmuth's safeguards.

In the episodes "Ben 10,000" and "Ken 10", Ben's alternate future self has managed to not only unlock the Master Control, but has access to 10,000 different alien species. Also, his Omnitrix's look has been altered somewhat, though it appears to still function the same.It also seems to have grown and transformed until it reached the top of his forearm. His alien forms seem to have transformed as Ben got older.The Omnitrix is the mysterious watch-like alien device that allows the user to transform into various alien forms by combining the DNA of the selected alien with the user's own DNA, effectively turning them into the alien species the user has selected. The alien form is selected by unlocking the control dial, turning the control dial to the desired alien spieces which is displayed on the Omnitrix's display, then pressing the control dial back into place completing the transformation.

The Omnitrix was originally created by Azmuth (a Galvan like Greymatter) to allow the people of the universe a way to literally "walk in someone else's shoes". However, many beings saw the Omnitrix's abilities as something that could be used as a powerful weapon--most prominently the villain Vilgax. Fearing that people might misuse the Omnitrix for this very reason, Azmuth put several safeguards in place to ensure that whoever used the Omnitrix would not have full access to its powers. Several of these safeguards include transforming into an alien different from the one that is selected on the control dial, the ten minute auto time-out, and the restriction of accessible aliens. Even the Omnitrix's self destruct was a safeguard set in place by Azmuth. However, these safeguards are disabled once the Master Control for the Omnitrix is unlocked, which is apparently done by a random combination of selections on the control dial. Once the Master Control is unlocked, the user can stay in their alien form for any length of time and is also able to switch between alien forms at will just by thinking about it.

In addition to the aliens that were pre-programmed into the Omnitrix's DNA sequencer by Azmuth, the Omnitrix also possess the ability to absorb DNA samples from other alien species by simply coming into contact with them, effectively downloading a DNA sample and allowing access to that form.

To date, only Ben has unlocked the Master Control only once by complete accident. This occurred during the Season 2 finale episode while messing around with the control dial, though to make sure Vilgax wouldn't have access to the Master Control, Ben zeroed out the Master Control, putting back into place all of Azmuth's safeguards.

In the episodes "Ben 10,000" and "Ken 10", Ben's alternate future self has managed to not only unlock the Master Control, but has access to 10,000 different alien species. Also, his Omnitrix's look has been altered somewhat, though it appears to still function the same.It also seems to have grown and transformed until it reached the top of his forearm. His alien forms seem to have transformed as Ben got older.

[edit] TV Movies

Two Ben 10 movies have been released at different times during 2007 and 2008. The first is a regular animated feature called Secret of the Omnitrix, in which the Omnitrix is accidentally set to self-destruct and Ben must track down its creator to stop it. A trailer of the movie was released with the movie Billy & Mandy: Wrath of the Spider Queen, and it aired August 10, 2007. Michael Ouweleen described the film's villain, which was actually Vilgax, as "like Darth Vader without the sense of humor."[2] A different version of Secrets of the Omnitrix, which introduced a different alien (Eye Guy) to the one in the original (Heatblast), aired on September 1, 2007. A third version (in which XLR8 was featured) aired on October 20, 2007. It was stated during the premiere of Alien Force that Secret of the Omnitrix was intended to be the chronological finale of Ben 10, even though it was broadcast long before the last episode, which was not canon.

The second is a live-action film titled Ben 10: Race Against Time[3] which aired November 21, 2007. The plot presumably takes place before Goodbye and Good Riddance, it revolves around Ben, Gwen and Grandpa Max returning to their hometown of Bellwood and attempting to adjust to being 'normal' again. Unfortunately, their lives are once again disrupted by a mysterious alien known as Eon, who has an unexpected connection to the Omnitrix. It premiered on Cartoon Network on November 21, 2007. The film was directed by Alex Winter.[4] Winter stated at the 2007 upfront presentation that he wanted "this thing to look like X-Men," an epic adventure that will be "more cinematic than cartoony" and appeal to all ages. Production on the film finished in October[2] and premiered November 21, 2007.

Cartoon Network announced at their 2008 upfront that they are currently developing a sequel to Ben 10: Race Against Time. A teaser shown during the premiere of Star Wars: The Clone Wars showed it will be based on the Alien Force series. The film will be coming on November 2009.

At March 24, 2009 at 9:19 PM , Blogger 我们这一班 said...


At March 25, 2009 at 10:15 PM , Blogger Ambrose Ang said...


在第一个赛季,情节主要集中在恶棍Vilgax ,一个邪恶的外来谁想要使用Omnitrix征服星系。受伤本赛季开始的,他发出的各种无人驾驶飞机获得Omnitrix ,直到他痊愈。之后,他完全愈合,他试图找回自己,只是为了阻止本,温格和Max 。此外,还暗示说,在整个赛季的最高更了解外国人的比他让,最终导致的启示,他和以前Vilgax而奋斗。一个更微妙的剧情涉及本被迫“长大” ,并学习使用Omnitrix负责任,特别强调这一点的插曲凯文11 。

第二个赛季大部分如下一个恶棍上周格式。少数情节为中心的节目集中在凯文,超供电11岁的权力,吸收不同类型的能源,谁符合本在第一个赛季。在无意中让凯文吸收Omnitrix的能力在其第一次会议上,凯文是一个对立面来本。阿反社会,凯文最终morphs成一个可怕的汞合金的本原有的10本形式和指责它。 Vilgax也回报的最后一部分,与凯文联手,希望能成功,他失败的最初。再次,他失败了,他和凯文都被困在一个备用层面所谓的零无效。另一个重要事件是在本赛季的破坏Ghostfreak ,其中一本的最初10的形式。在逃离Omnitrix ,他本打算拥有和使用的权力Omnitrix开始了自己的遗产征服。然而,他被打败和摧毁本。

第三个赛季也有类似的还黑暗的阴谋布局。它的几个情节为中心的节目围绕外国人称为对传统的恐怖怪物,本收购的新形式,通过他们接触 Omnitrix 。紫色色的闪电,造成的隐形装置所产生的弗兰科斯坦风格外来医生Vicktor ,预示着它们的外观。 Vicktor反过来,是忠于Ghostfreak ,谁是复活后的第三个赛季。他的图谋寿衣地球在黑暗中与使用corrodium梁预计从空间站和扩大整个地球使用发射机在新墨西哥州从而使他能够在完整的权力和统治的星球。他的企图,但是,是阻碍本;他去世后,更多的由直接暴露在阳光,但在此之前他的DNA重新添加到Omnitrix 。

第四围绕着本赛季的最后冒险暑假结束。少数情节为中心的节目围绕着领导人的武士组织永远,永远国王和他的计划,以处理Tennysons自己。他收集的许多本的敌人担任77国集团成员的“负10 ”两个战役的Tennysons和窃取了强大的能量从管道工基地泰山北斗。本最终战胜永远国王,摧毁了泰山北斗面临在这个过程中,虽然这是暗示,全息图是用来重新面孔。本10 :秘密Omnitrix设置后不久这一点。


At March 26, 2009 at 8:15 PM , Blogger 我们这一班 said...




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